Myth busted! Sales performance is defined by achieved sales goal

Should companies care about sales numbers? In a Salesmate article, I and other business experts talked about if sales performance should be based on a sales rep’s achieved goals. Check out the video and click the link to read the full article.

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Should the number of sales be the only important metric when defining sales goals? These days many companies are saying no. Many companies want repeat business and organic sales growth, so they need to measure customer satisfaction, churn rates or customer retention, and brand strength. Sales organizations that offer a terrible customer experience or have a lousy product run out of customers who want to buy it. News travels that customers shouldn’t buy from them in the internet age. So a company needs to look at these other factors if they want to have real long-term success and measure them.  How do you think companies should measure sales success? If you have a tip and want to mention your company, please do as well. Please like this post if you find it helpful and check out the article link.