How Agents Can Reach Stalled Homebuyers

In Today Headline, I and other Real Estate experts talk about helping stalled home buyers move forward with purchasing a home.

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You know what first-time buyers don’t like? They hate it when they get an agent and the agent acts like they’re doing them a favor. They don’t answer their questions, they make them feel like certain questions are stupid and they don’t go through the whole process of buying. You know, everybody has to start somewhere. So when an agent gets a first-time buyer, they need to go through the whole home buying process, so that they can understand what to expect. They need to let that first-time buyer know that none of their questions are dumb. Informed people are less scared of the process. So even though the market’s hot right now, please help your first-time buyers by giving them the chance and giving them the understanding of how the process works so that they can actually get something in this market. So what do you think? And check out the link to the article about this.