Here’s What A Mortgage Closing Disclosure Tells You

The mortgage closing disclosure is an important disclosure when getting a loan. Make sure to understand it so you have an outstanding mortgage experience.

In Time Magazine, I and others talked about how the mortgage disclosure works. Check out what we said in the article and video below.

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So when you’re getting a mortgage, the one thing you cannot do is not read your mortgage closing disclosure. Whatever you do, make sure you read that when you get a mortgage, you’re going to get all sorts of paperwork and you’re tempted to just skip over things after a while. But stop, read the mortgage closing disclosure. It tells you your payments and terms. It tells you the closing costs, how much you’re going to pay for the loan, and the exact amount that you’re going to be putting down to get the loan. Whatever you do, make sure you read that because when you’re talking to the loan officer, all sorts of ideas are given back and forth and you want to make sure what you thought was going to happen with your mortgage is actually going to have it. So make sure you read that. And one thing you want to make sure you do. So what are your thoughts about the mortgage process?