Real Estate Love Letters, Are They Unfair?

 Business Insider and Yahoo did an article about buyer love letters.  Are they unfair?

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So on Business Insider and, I commented for an article about love letters when buying a home. Love letters are letters that are put with an offer when someone is looking to buy a home. They say things like, you know, we’re a beautiful family. They’ll have pictures and tell a little bit of what they do and how much they like the house. And one thing the federal government is looking at and a lot of states are looking at is banning love letters, which I am so happy for. I think love letters are very discriminatory and we don’t accept them or use them at our company because what they do is they allow home sellers to see things that aren’t important about a deal and make assumptions about different buyers that aren’t relevant to the deal. So then people get discriminated against based on all sorts of things. So I am so happy to see that those went away because what should matter to sellers is who’s giving the best deal, the best terms for the most money. And that’s what I encourage my sellers to do.